10 days til launch

So, it’s only 10 days to go to the launch of ‘Out of the Ashes’. Please don’t forget the two launch events that are coming up! It feels only right for the next taster of the album to be the title track.  So let me share with you a little bit about the song.

I wrote this song with my friend Ruth Eggleston.  It was one of these times when I knew I had a song to write but hadn’t quite got there with the lyrics.  Ruth was staying and was sitting in on the sofa whilst I was writing.  I played to her some of the verse and the melody for the pre-chorus and chorus but the right lyrics hadn’t quite come.  As I hummed the melody to her she came up with the line ‘Out of the Ashes’ and it felt so right, and from then between us the lyrics flowed.  The heart of this song is that with Jesus we are chosen, restored and redeemed.

When choosing a title for the album this was the perfect fit as throughout the album I reflect on themes such as illness, grace, restoration and how although life is a journey, with God with have a strength and a hope.  This song was written as a congregational song and I was really blessed to have some of the choir from my Church come and be involved with this song.  Check out the lyrics page and once again the youtube link is here.  I hope it encourages you and blesses you.

The other track I want to talk about today is a song called ‘My Grace covers you’.  I wrote this song after a conversation with a friend where I was really struck that something we do so can do is put sins into different categories from little white lies to being acceptable to things that are ‘unforgivable’, like murder.  Some people decide they can never have a relationship with God because their sin is too much and what they have done is just unforgivable and therefore don’t deserve God’s grace.

This saddens me – sin is sin to God, no matter how big or small, and the only reason that we are saved is through God’s grace.  I believe that when we seek God’s forgiveness, no matter what we have done he will forgive us and want to bring healing and restoration.  Yes, we have to face the consequences of our actions in this world but when we have received God’s forgiveness we can walk in the freedom of knowing that with him we are forgiven and accepted.  This song looks at how God’s grace covers us, when we accept it – and we can truly walk in his forgiveness and healing.  But that we also have to learn to forgive ourselves.  Check out the lyrics.

I pray that you would know God’s love and peace this week.

God bless,