Be still

I write this blog at a tumultuous time with the country reeling from a third terrorist attack in less than 3 months, the general election just days away and an air of uncertainty all around.  The news is full of police reports, heartbreaking stories of loss, examples of hatred, propaganda, political scandals and it can feel hard not to feel overwhelmed and heavily burdened at this time.  So today I simply wanted to write and share a video and a few thoughts.

My friend recently finished this beautiful lyric video for me for my song “Be Still”, and it struck me how perfect the timing was.  In a time when things are so full on, worrying and unnerving I feel God has whispered these words to my heart again: “Be still and know that I am God”. I feel that prompt to stop, to take some time out, to rest in His presence and to remember that He is God. It’s a time to recall that He is mighty and full of love and grace and that in him I have true hope and true peace and He challenges me to put my ultimate hope in Him and not in government or people: He is an everlasting and unchanging God.  It’s time also to remember that when things are happening that are so out of my control and understanding, and when I can struggle to know even how to pray, that I should fix my eyes on Him and seek His leading in every area. I need to remember Jesus’ words: “Our Father in heaven. Hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

I pray this song and video blesses you.

With much love and prayers,

Kat xxx