Choosing to see things differently

So as I write this blog this Sunday, I am rather bleary-eyed as we have just got through the first week of transitioning our 2 and half year old son to a bed.  We put it off as long as we could.  But as soon as he had learnt out how to climb out of the cot that was it, the side of the cot had to be taken down. So our son realises that he no longer has anything keeping him in the bed! So it has been a long week teaching him to stay in his room, and to not be afraid of being in the dark now he is aware of the room feeling bigger. You know you are sleep deprived when you realise you are watching a Thomas the Tank Engine movie (without your son) and crying at the happy ending!

I really enjoy listening to UCB Christian radio, and there are daily slots by Bernie Dymet called ‘A different perspective’, which encourage us to see things through Gods eyes.  God has really been challenging me this week. It would has been really easy when night after night I have been up and with my toddler to get frustrated and so focused on my sleep deprivation and the tough day ahead to go into a cycle of being grumpy, cross and feeling like it will never end.  Each time I have been struggling, I have felt Gods gentle voice whisper to me, to encourage me to take my eyes of the difficult situation, the tiredness and constant battles with a wilful little one and to put them on an all-sufficient, loving and merciful God.  Like I mentioned a few weeks ago, God has just reminded me to live day by day. There’s no point worrying if I will have enough energy for tomorrow, for His grace is sufficient for me today.  So each morning I have prayed simply that God would give me strength for the new day ahead, that I would be able to do all I need to accomplish and to feel his strength and joy.

I also have felt challenged in each situation to look at it differently, and instead of focusing on the negatives, finding the things to be grateful in each situation.  So this week each time a difficult moment has arisen, I have been trying to focus on something positive. I have been grateful that all through this week my son has been wanting lots of cuddles, to hold hands and be reassured.  Even in the early hours of the morning I have just tried to enjoy this snuggles, thanking God for this precious gift of life.  I have prayed for my son, that God would bless him, encourage him and lead him in all he does.

When my son begged to get out of the buggy and then purposefully ran off the opposite way, didn’t listen to me, and wanted to cross the road alone, it took a good five minutes wrestling to get him back in the buggy, and I was on the point of tears.  But then a bus literally turned up by my side, I got it home, and by then Dom was asleep so I got 45 mins of rest.  Had I had to walk home I wouldn’t have had as much time to rest, so I thanked God for that. The night my husband was away for work and I was flying solo, my son went back to bed much quicker and easier than he had before or since, so I was able to get some rest.  It also made me truly appreciate the way Ali and I work as a team, and the way he supports me.

Although it has been a challenging week it has also taught me to be so grateful, that God is with me in all I do, and that I have a much more joyful and hopeful outlook when I rely on God’s strength, endurance, and focus on one day at a time.

I pray that this week that God would bless you, encourage you, and help you see things in a new light.

God bless,